Convert rgb value to munsell
Convert rgb value to munsell

This as reference for people who are looking for that specific color I've also added RLM colors that are mentioned on the Internet like RLM69 Sandgelb, though the previous mentioned book mentiones a Dunkelgrün as RLM69. RLM colors: First through the German RAL system based on the comparisation list from the book "Paint-shop handbook (1944)" For other colors the closest match to the paintchips given in the book "Luftwaffe Colours 1935-1945" by Michael Ullmann.Dutch colors: Mostly based on information in the book"De geschiedenis van Camouflage en Kentekens op de vliegtuigen van de Nederlandse Strijdkrachten" by J.H.N.Russian colors: Translated from Munsell values as listed in the book "Soviet Airforce Fighter Colors 1941 - 1945" by Erik Pilawskii.Here is a list of how I translated the colors: While converting the colors, I've used colorchips I have used from books as a guide to compare if the color matches. Still I mention the FS595b color as a reference, since it still is a common system to translate colors. Look at them and then look up the FS color I've mentioned there. A very good example are the Russian colors. Knowing this you can imagine that many colors won't fit. This because the FS595 color system only known little over 600 colors. Where possible I have tried (and am still trying) to calculate the RGB and HEX values as directly from the source as possible. So, take these notes into account when you use colors for skinning. The 3D engine uses light effects and also simulates various lighting effects. And finally also the flightsimulator has effect on the colors. One person has likes brighter settings for his monitor than another. Also the calibration of your monitor has a big influence on the way the colors are presented. Software is used to calculate those RGB values. Therefore these colors are also called the basic colors, since you can mix any color out of these three. Monitors mix the colors red, green and blue to present any color to you. So, at any other time or with any other light circumstances, the color may appear different! Then the colors are translated to RGB colors.

convert rgb value to munsell convert rgb value to munsell

The colors in the Federal Standard list are presented as the colors the way they appear on a bright day at noon. Often this will not be a perfect match, but a color that comes close. First of all, many colors from different countries are translated to colors in the American FS 595b chart. I do not claim that these charts are perfect, but they come close to the real colors.Ī few factors have influence on the colors you see. In these pages you can find various color charts that might be helpfull for skinning. Please see the text below for more details on where the information comes from and who the copyright holders are. This information was originally hosted on it is now provided on the FSDeveloper wiki as reference for aircraft painters.

Convert rgb value to munsell